
One-Minute PB Review - A Unicorn Named Sparkle

The ad said "Unicorn, 25 cents." I love this first line of Amy Young's A Unicorn Named Sparkle. Anyone know child who would NOT want a unicorn? Alas, he was not quite what she expected...


He had spots.

His ears were too long.

He smelled funny. Oh, and he had fleas.

Lucy put a flower necklace on him. He ate it.

She put a tutu on him. He ate that too.

This is a classic story of not always getting what you want, but being happy with what you have. The illustrations are adorable. I particularly love the expressions of the little girl as she deals with disappointment of her new pet. I can see this one being read again and again...

Favorite Line: Lucy yelled, "WAAAAAAIT!" Sparkle bleated, "BAAAAHH!"


Michelle Howell Miller